
Geraldo Rivera and Fox News Told To Get Out of Baltimore, Protesters and Politicians Agree they are There To Start Race Riots

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A man who Geraldo Rivera tried to call an ‘anarchist’ is quickly being labeled as ‘speaking the truth’ by the public. And it seems Maryland’s politicians may agree.

The backstory here starts with Fox News’ Geraldo Rivera, who for years has been known for his Fox-esque brand of biased journalism. A protester, who let’s face it Geraldo and many other biased idiots want to label a no-good rioter, vandal and a n***er, told Geraldo and Fox News to go home. The great quote to listen for in the video:

“I want you and Fox News to get out of Baltimore city,” he said. “You are not here reporting about the boarded up homes and the homeless people under MLK. You’re not reporting about the poverty levels up and down North Avenue. … But you’re here for the black riots that happen….You’re not here for the death of Freddie Gray.”

Fox News tried to cut that quote out of the clip and make the man seem violent, but numerous full accounts of the confrontation are spread all over the Internet now.

A defiant Rivera continued to try to provoke the crowd, until a State Senator showed up. Then Rivera was shamed into moving, on camera.

A steely state senator showed diplomacy and poise, persuading Fox News to dial down its inflammatory coverage of Tuesday night’s Baltimore protests and swiftly defusing a confrontation that was brewing between Geraldo Rivera and irate protesters.

“We want the media to move back,” Maryland state Sen. Majority Leader Catherine Pugh told Rivera after nearby demonstrators interrupted their interview on the streets of the troubled city.

When the flustered Fox anchor said it seemed like those in the crowd “want trouble,” Pugh sternly shut him down.

“No, they don’t want trouble,” she said. “We want our people to go home, but we also need the media to move back, because this is just inciting people.”

Rivera relented after her remarks, instructing his crew to move elsewhere.

What do you think?

Written by Bronco Ranahan


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