
South Korean Couple Falls Into Sinkhole

Footage of a South Korean couple falling into a sinkhole has gone viral.  While liberals in the past have been eager to blame the incidence of sinkholes in a direct correlative relationship with fracking, such accusations are unsubstantiated and this video goes to support that simple fact.

The CCTV footage shows a young couple enjoying life, when suddenly the ground beneath them opens up at their feet in the capital city of Seoul. The couple disembarks from a bus and then plunges into the cold recesses of open Earth. Passer-by can only look on in abject shock and awe.

Fortunately, South Korean sources report the couple was rescued by first responders. They were brought back up from ten feet under ground, living through an experience that would be harrowing for any person. The couple both sustained mild injuries that are not considered to be life threatening. South Koreans have been highly critical of their government of late as infrastructure around the land is crumbling. Liberal economic policies and reliance on government to maintain what should be private sector funded and maintained structures are largely regarded as the chief causal factor in the lack of maintenance.

What do you think?

Written by Cal Warren

Energy, food, and water is not a human right, it should be privatized. Until we realize that fact, scarcity will produce countless wars that while profitable, shall continue to plague humanity.

- Cal Warren Oils future capitalist and Big American News contributor.


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